Friday, July 4, 2014

Know How to Avoid Fake Ink Cartridges

Using a fake ink cartridge for your printer can cause some serious damages to your printer. Printers are an expensive utility, and if a duplicate cartridge has been placed inside it, you will not get clean prints of good quality. Moreover, it can also damage your peripheral.

To avoid the risks, following are a few buzz for your-

Consider the branded store: You should always buy the cartridge from a brand store. If there is no brand store in your vicinity, you can visit a nearby authorized store that sells it. There are many a shops at close at hand location. Check if they have home delivery service, call them and ask to send the cartridges directly to your home. You can also visit the website of your printer brand, and check if they also have a store in your nearby areas; if they have, call the store, and ask for the cartridges and delivery options. There are also some reliable online websites and resellers that sell and deliver original printer ink cartridges to you. Search the internet for such websites. Another benefit of buying cartridges from such websites is that they always plenty of offers and discounts on originals products. You might get cartridges at more affordable rates than that of your nearby brand stores.

Know the Brand Logo and Hologram: It is the best way to avoid fake cartridges. Whenever you buy a product, you would see a 2 or 3 dimensional logo or hologram on it. If you recognize your brand’s logo, make sure that the thing you are going to buy is original. The brand website updates its customers about the latest happenings. You can follow their social network links, to stay updated with their changes. It is important for you to know the original brand logo to avoid getting into the trap of duplicate products.

It is estimated that after the fake watches and fashion accessories, printers and its parts are the most counterfeited products all over the world. And, if you would ever have used a fake cartridge with your original brand printer, you would certainly have noticed the difference better the quality of prints performed by the original and the duplicate cartridges. Counterfeited products are available at the lower prices, but are sold in the name of genuine products. It directly affects your pocket and the belief in the brand.

All this happens in the illegal market of counterfeits. Governments around the world are taking strict actions against them, but it seems like it is going to take more time. But, you should be aware of such activities and take calculated steps against them.

You may also find interesting-: Benefits of Remanufactured Ink Cartridges


  1. Hello,
    Very useful information has been shared in this above article. It will be quite good in choosing a right Inkjet Printer...Thank you too much...
    inkjet printer cartridges

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